
Christchurch, New Zealand


Guided Somatic Breathwork Journey

What is Breathwork:
Breathwork is a consciously connected breathing technique designed to allow the participant to access an altered state of consciousness allowing for nervous system regulation, reprogramming, connecting to the higher self and so much more.

Breathwork sessions can be done either one-to-one in-person, in groups and/or online.

A typical session:

A session typically lasts around 2.5 hours. The participant is guided gently through a personalised breathwork journey, only opening them to only go as deeply as they feel comfortable.

Through restorative and activating breathing techniques, the aim of the breathwork session is to restore the natural flow of energy through the body-mind system. During a session, clients are safely guided through shifting stored emotions, altering belief systems that no longer serve them, and/or the completion of anything in their nervous system that has been left unprocessed. During the session, this can look like emotional or physical releases, the feeling of energy circulating throughout the body, and so much more.

The lasting effects range from greater clarity to a more regulated nervous system to greater awareness.

The intention is to create a beautiful, safe space in which you feel safe and held and where all of you is welcome.

"So much gratitude to John for an incredibly psychedelic, integrating and profound breathwork journey."
-Cassie, Therapist

Who is somatic breathwork for?
Breathwork is for anyone looking to:
- Reduce stress
- Reduce anxiety
- Gain clarity
- Connect to the innate wisdom within your body
- Connect to your higher self
- 70% of toxins are released from the lungs through the breath
- Increase emotional intelligence
- Release suppressed emotions and tension in the body
- Boost your immune system.
- Connect to passed loved ones.
- Improve Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

What do I need for a session?
- Yoga mat
- Blanket
- Journal and pen
- Water bottle
- Comfortable clothes
- Optional to bring an eye mask and/or lip balm

How can I get the most from the session?
Avoid drugs and alcohol for at least 24 hours before and 24 hours after.
Create at least a few hours for yourself after the session to gently come back as the session can be a lot to process.
Spend time in nature after.


The beauty of this work is it can be completely customised to suit you and your the desired outcome.

1:1 fully customised breathwork journey.

Either in person or online.
Session is typically 2.5 hours

Online starting from $290
In-person starting from $330*
Packages available.
*may include travel costs

2-3 People

Fully customised breathwork journey for two to three people. Ideal for couples or friends who wish to journey together.

Either in person or online.
Session is typically 2.5 hours

Enquire for pricing.


Fully customised breathwork journey. Can be a predefined theme or intention. Max 10 people unless otherwise specified. Ideal for corporate setting, or retreat style workshop.

Sessions can range from 30min to 3 hours.

Contact for further details.